Let schools manage their upcoming vacancies with ease
Vale STARS provides schools with a portal to post vacancies, add both single and multiple-day bookings, accept or decline matched staff, generate assignment confirmations, verify staff attendance and timesheets and authorize payment.
Vale STARS school portal is a database of flexible and permanent staff that is accessible to all registered School staff and is available 24 hours a day. The portal has a comprehensive guide for staff who are authorized to use the system for the recruitment of supply staff. School staff are able to post and review vacancies and browse supply candidate profiles. as well as explore supply staff availability, and review and accept or decline school bookings. Timesheets can be generated and authorized and details of payments to supply staff can be viewed all in one portal.
Vale STARS streamlines and supports the management of staff and school relationships. Schools can plan ahead for supply staff and ensure any vacancy is filled even in a 24-hour notice period. Returning supply staff can be effortlessly rebooked and permanent and long-term roles can be easily scheduled. Once bookings are confirmed assignment details and a timesheet are then generated for the supply staff member who can request the school to authorize payment once the timesheet is completed.
Let schools enter upcoming shifts and bookings, plus confirm timesheet entries
View supply staff profiles and availability
Choose and rebook supply staff
Automatic generation of confirmation emails and SMS of the booking
Supply staff notified through automatic email and SMS
Confirm timesheet entries
Generate supply staff pay built into the system